Thursday, October 28, 2004

Readings/Assignments for Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Remember that Paper Proposals will be due on Tuesday, November 2. This means that you will not be responsible for posting/writing responses to the readings listed below. I will go over expectations for the Paper Proposals in class on Tuesday, October 26, 2004. Responses to Junot Diaz's Drown should be posted to the course blog no later than midnight on Wednesday, October 27, 2004.

Please read the following materials:

Introduction and Chapter 1 ("The Scope of Orientalism") from Orientalism, by Edward Said (in three PDF files below) (Several hard copies of Orientalism are also available on reserve in the main library):
"Click here for Part One
"Click here for Part Two
"Click here for Part Three

A very short snippet from Homi Bhabha's "The Other Question," distributed in class via Xerox handout.

If you should have any difficulties with the clickable links below, the following materials are full-text articles which can be located via WilsonSelectPlus, in the USD Library Research Databases. To access the articles, Click Here to go to USD's library page, click to the Research Databases link in the right column, and then click Arts and Humanities on the next screen, Language and Literature on the screen after that, Arts and Humanities Search (AH Search) on the screen after that (at which point you may be prompted for your Network ID and Password). On the next screen, you will find a small pull-down menu next to the words Search in Database, and here you will want to pull down WilsonSelectPlus, then put a check in the Limit to Full Text box, at which point you can search for the articles by author or title. The articles are available in both HTML and PDF format:

"Tourism, Hybridity, and Ambiguity: The Relevance of Bhabha's 'Third Space' Cultures", by Keith Hollinshead

"James Welch's Fool's Crow and the Imagination of Precolonial Space: A Translator's Approach, by Andrea Opitz

"Placing the Ancestors: Postmodernism, 'Realism,' and American Indian Identity in James Welch's Winter in the Blood, by Sean Teuton

"'Remember Wounded Knee': AIM's Use of Metonymy in 21st Century Protest, by Elizabeth Rich


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